JayAdler-Freelance Writing
Saturday, November 21, 2009
  No One Is Listening To Us
The 60 votes garnered in the Congress for those impressionable and unrealistic individuals who think this is a milestone, forget it. Do you know what between you and me and a lamp post, the Democrats are spinning their wheels in mud means? By the time they get back to their districts and get excoriated by their constituents for voting for a bill ultimately that will end up giving them less time with their families in a final sense and suffering in between, they may consider their own political standing. If they do not resist the arm twisting and start voting like our politicians who represent the will of the people now heavily against the public option, tax increases and a police-like enforcement system for billing the American people they may be consider sell outs by their own back home supporters. I cut up my AARP card many years ago because I figured out that having worked in a government job I did not need them for benefits. They sent me a life insurance sales pitch with three questions on it every week and I seem to remember tearing it up because I knew that their insurer would never give it to me and I would end up in every database in the country and maybe overseas. Anyway, AARP as a profit motivated corporation and should absolutely go on the record as denouncing this bill and the public option because they have always furthered this loving mission statement enveloping the health, welfare and safety of senior citizens in the USA. I do not know what the AARP will finally display as theirr disposition on this matter but senior citizens are livid over it.The latest bill is nothing short of insulting to our fine senior citizens who helped build our nation. I have never seen in my life  the rationing proposals that are going around. Will a modified bill prove helpful or deleterious to AARP and it's massive bottom line? If the Senate passes the trigger plan, we are back to the old lipstick on the pig model  from the Election 2008. The trigger option is just like the trickling down of chemicals in an execution. It eventually dies, maybe quickly and then our Country will be at a point of no return and automatically go to Socialized Medicine in no time. I hear arguments on the news networks, in the print media and from the man in the street that in a cogent, analytical and well thought out manner believe in no government health care bill passed at this point when our citizens cannot even keep up with expenses now.The bill will still fail to cover a huge chunk of uninsured. Look at my Title as captioned above, arguments against public insurance are flying around all over the place, tea parties are continuing(Organizing is 100% legal) but we as the American people seem to be orchestrated by a small group of politicians who will go to any lengths and have shown their capability to overdub our wishes. What's going on?


Wednesday, November 18, 2009
  Sometimes Sarah Palin Plays Possum
I was born a fight fan and as a little boy, my dad, a criminal lawyer would take me to the old Madison Square Garden on 50Th Street and Eighth Avenue near New York's Hells Kitchen back in the middle 1950's. We saw the old time fighters, Roy Rogers and Trigger and the  rodeo, Ringling Brothers Circus, all in this old barn like facility which featured an arcade as you walked in. There was a somewhat journeyman fighter named Archie Moore picking up fights as a heavyweight and Light heavyweight. Mr, Moore came north from some one horse Mississippi or maybe Alabama town and worked his way up through boxing ranks with no one even knowing how old he was because he was born on a kitchen table when sometimes births were not recorded. His long and respected career ended when he was knocked out in the early sixties by a rising prodigy named Cassius Clay. Archie Moore was the trickiest, feinting, bobbing and snake punching fighter most fight fans have ever seen. Often Times when Archie KO'd a boxer, the fans even at ringside never saw where the punch came from. He also "played possum" well, meaning he knew how to sucker in the naysayer, pretending to be hurt and knock his man out when the guy thought he was ahead.
As a freelance writer I covered Election 2008 beginning with the primaries and naturally evaluated Sarah Palin as she went along to charm and impress American voters as she continues to accomplish today. The reason I spent some time discussing Archie Moore, who not too many individuals would even remember in 2009 is to make an allusion to "playing possum" and Sarah Palin. Ms. Palin has been making the rounds of the talk shows to promote her book and continue as a valued spokesman for her political followers. Tonight I saw her on Fox News for extended interviews so that she actually was interacting in her own element. I think she was astoundingly presidential and brilliant which is not a way of my goading her into running in 2012. She was ultra sharp and on message and there were no gaffes. Sarah Palin impressed me in a big way tonight on Fox, she exuded strength and determination to mend our country. My intuitive disposition on what I perceive as Sarah Palin having a credible chance of  achieving the Presidency is that she can "play possum" with the antagonizing MSM for just enough exposure so that when she does rise to the higher level she is capable of, she will captivate and win.


Monday, November 9, 2009
  House Democrats scramble for healthcare votes
House Democrats scramble for healthcare votes
Friday, November 6, 2009
  Bill O'Reilly Is Sounding A Tad Liberal
For at least a month I have noticed a change in Bill O'Reilly's argument and rhetoric. He seems to slant for Obama often, something I have not seen in a few years. Bill is nothing like Alan Colmes, certainly not that far over. I just see, maybe because I am a freelance writer who has covered the political beat for so long O'Reilly moving from the right (not far right) in a steady and diffident stride more to the center and then slightly to the left of same. Bill is not making his arguments now as a Conservative and he is defending Obama when it would be apparent to criticize him. We all know that huge conglomerates are through their ownership and influence exerting pressure and demands on news organizations. Fox News has a long history of hiring personalities who flip their original ideologies and morph into opposite characters. Examples are Dennis Miller and Geraldo Rivera. Dennis stayed flipped as a Conservative. Geraldo played the Conservative for awhile and curiously now is back to his 1960's liberal shouting attorney persona. As a Republican I would really like to see a conservative news program. If I am correct about O'Reilly caving into the very faction or corporate demand that we oppose then I will have to turn the radio on for my politics.


Tuesday, November 3, 2009
  Obama One Year Later: The Audacity of Winning vs. The Timidity of Governing

Barack Obama is first and foremost and diffidently groomed as a South Side of Chicago politician. The problem with the psyche of his campaign followers who were corralled by a massive Internet sweep, a beautiful man in expensive suits and a mesmerizing speaker who could talk salmon into not spawning is that they went for the pitch and bought it hook line and sinker. This country is in a mess and the CIT bankruptcy is going to send us closer to the cliff. Race relations were supposed to improve as we joyfully received our first Black President. Instead, arguments across America have increased as our Black citizens rightfully refrain from criticism of Obama because of his symbolic nature and what he represents to their community but are angered when others cry out at our economic meltdown. Inner city unemployment is more than twice the suburbs. I do not necessarily blame Obama, I will leave that to the Veep but something is wrong here and we as a country had better start finding out what that is.We cannot keep blaming others for our own frailties.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
We are a widely displayed Internet writing service with published commentary on major websites directed toward Entertainment, Politics, Stocks and Professional Music. The company is owned by Jay Adler, Freelance Writer.

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